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[vdr] Re: shell script for data rate calculation


i've got some movies (~105 hours) and test the data rate calculation. As you can
see in the output, the movies with dolby digital and normal Sound have a much
higher datarate.
So we can assume movies with DD have a rate of ~4600 kbps.

14h Movies with normal Sound and Dolby Digital
Datarate calculator for VDR - 02/2002 by Uwe Freese,
Counting VDR file sizes...
Counting index file sizes...
Overall VDR files size:     18427 * 1000000 bytes
Overall index files size:   7145928 bytes
Overall video playing time: 9 h
Average data rate:          2047 * 1000000 bytes / h
Average data rate:          4549 kbps
Datarate calculator for VDR - 02/2002 by Uwe Freese, mail@uwe-freese.deb
Counting VDR file sizes...
Counting index file sizes...
Overall VDR files size:     10709 * 1000000 bytes
Overall index files size:   4214256 bytes
Overall video playing time: 5 h
Average data rate:          2141 * 1000000 bytes / h
Average data rate:          4759 kbps

91h Movies with normal Sound or Dolby Sourround

Datarate calculator for VDR - 02/2002 by Uwe Freese,
Counting VDR file sizes...
Counting index file sizes...
Overall VDR files size:     45677 * 1000000 bytes
Overall index files size:   21923688 bytes
Overall video playing time: 30 h
Average data rate:          1522 * 1000000 bytes / h
Average data rate:          3383 kbps
Datarate calculator for VDR - 02/2002 by Uwe Freese,
Counting VDR file sizes...
Counting index file sizes...
Overall VDR files size:     85663 * 1000000 bytes
Overall index files size:   44567072 bytes
Overall video playing time: 61 h
Average data rate:          1404 * 1000000 bytes / h
Average data rate:          3120 kbps

kind regards

Uwe Freese schrieb:

> Hello Klaus,
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote on Monday, February 04, 2002, 5:42:48 PM:
> KS> Your script prints quite a lot of informatione - but the one that VDR would
> KS> need (i.e. MegabytePerMinute) isn't amoung them - or did I miss it?
> KS> I know, I could calculate that from the data given, but I'm too lazy... ;-)
> Carsten Koch:    3525 kbps
> Uwe Freese:      3809 kbps
> We could assume a rate of 3600 kbps = 27.000.000 byte / Minute
>                                     = 25,75 MB / Minute
> Bye, Uwe.

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