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[vdr] Master-Timer 0.5.0

#include <hallo.h>

This is a "nearly" rewrite of the whole beast. It is split into a set of
smaller programms. And it's structure makes it possibel to extent the
Programm-Data with Data from other sources than the EPG from VDR alone.
And Timer-Entries can come from other Sources too. I'm planing to port
epg2timers into this "infrastucture" in the future.

Some of the new things:
- Premiere World Descriptions are split into
  "description, Country of Origin, Year, Director, Actor/Actress"
  - As a consequence torecord got the matching new fields

- Many, many i don't rembember
- "Weekdays" didn't work at all. Thanks to Uwe Freese for pointing this
  out and helping me with the fix.

New Programs:
  Migrates a Timer from one VDR-instance to another
  Sorts the Timers in VDR (Don't use it without the patch from Klaus
  yesterday! VDR 0.68 - 0.99p4 are BUGGY and can lose timers!)
  Find out if "new" movies/series are in the Program-Data.

... Many, many things i forgot. The whole beast is nearly double as big as
the previous release.

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated, 
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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