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[vdr] Re: ERROR: skipped 28 byte to sync on TS packet

So here is the results of changing filesystems on vdr.
VDR is
800 Celeron, 128MB, 6GB System Disk, reiserfs, 3 DVB-S, 80GB video disk.
DVB Driver 2.2.2002, VDR 0.99pre4 and pre5

Getting errors of dropped data to sync, when writing to disk over
network or from a other tempory mounted device. I have mounted a 2. 80GB
Disk for testing.

1. Reiserfs 2 cards recording and copying complete /video-test > /video
-> Getting the continus drooping after ca. 20 sek.

2. Ext3, same as before with 2 cards
-> Getting continus drooping after ca. 5min

3. Ext3, same as before with 3 cards
-> Getting continus drooping after ca. 1min

4. xfs,  same as before with 3 cards
-> the buffer running full up from 95% to 100% doing this ca. 2min then
a single dropping, down again to arround 90% and doing this a long time.
after copying 60 GB. i only have 15 dropps of data, by a transferrate of
8 MB/s from disk to disk.

5. xfs and changing to 4 cards and recording on all cards
-> Same as before, getting 16 dropps

So i stay at xfs, seems to be a good solution.
even its not included in suse 7.3.


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