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[vdr] Re: broken threads Gruber)  05.03.02 21:39

Once upon a time Axel Gruber shaped the electrons to say...

>> We have this list feeded into a newsgroup (one way only). You can
>> read there, but not (currently) post messages.

>> news://
>> news://

>Great - realy great !!!

>If it's possible to post in both Systems - this would be a realy great
>Feature for the Future ! :-))

And we will end up in  s p a m ....

See isdn4linux-list which is two-way-connected to usenet...
The "digest" is unable because it contains all spams (which
already had been canceled in the net...)

It's -thanks to spammers- not such an easy task.

I would ask:
Why can't listtar add the missing "in reply to"?
(OK, it's hard to find which mail was meant but maybe
an interesting problem to be solved, or?)


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