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[vdr] Re: CICAM Menu settings getting lost after restart

Klaus Wolf wrote:
> Dvb driver and vdr find all 4 dvb´s devices:
> kernel: dvb: 4 dvb(s) found!
> And vdr:
> vdr[697]: found 4 video devices
> setting of 4th card to 4 102 101 works
> after restart of vdr via killall
> the following message in var/log/messager appears:
> vdr[697]: error in /vdr/config/setup.conf, line 37
> it´s the setup row with the cicam setting :-(

I guess I found the problem: please change the line

  if (d > 0 && d < MAXDVBAPI) {

in cSetup::ParseCaCaps() (config.c) to

  if (d > 0 && d <= MAXDVBAPI) {

> 2nd prob after killall vdr and a restart of vdr the sound is muted. I
> must press the mute button every time after a restart of vdr to hear
> sound.

Is this only after a restart? So the initial start works ok?
Are you sure you don't have the option '-m' in the VDR command line?


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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