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[vdr] Re: Vdr Patch to display progress bars


Am Samstag, 23. März 2002 18:28 schrieb Matthias Hilbig:

> I programmed  a little patch for vdr to show progress bars next to the
> epg infos in the "whats on" menu.
> Our former decoder had such a feature, I always thought it was very
> practical...
> If enough people like it, klaus will hopefully integrate it into vdr.

I edited the patch a little bit to give a better output. My patch is a diff 
against VDR-1.0.0-pre4+AIO+ELCHI. Maybe it's more useful for people having 
the same situation. I have removed the horizontal lines of the ProgressBar, 
because they were very nervous/jumpy in my eyes. Now it looks like this:

  Was läuft jetzt?                       Mon 25.03  01:23

  Das Erste	23:35 |######| Lügen der Liebe
  ZDF             00:25 |######| Zeugen des Jahrhunderts
  SFB             01:00 |##### | Unser Garten
  SAT 1           00:35 |##    | Basquiat
  RTL 1           01:05 |##    | Xena
  RTL 2           01:15 |      | Dark Force - Das Tor zur
  PRO 7           01:15 |#     | "Oskar" 2002 - Der Count
  3Sat            00:05 |##### | Mad Dog - Der Rebell
  VOX             00:55 |###   | Wa(h)re Liebe
  KABEL 1         00:20 |##    | Der Falke und der Schnee
  WDR             00:00 |##### | Die unverbesserlichen Dr
  BR3             23:55 |#     | Rock gegen rechte Gewalt

  Aufnehmen       Nächste       Programm       Umschalten

You can find the patch here:

Remember: This is a patch for VDR+AIO+ELCHI, but it might work with the 
vanilla VDR as well. It can be applied with the following command line, 
assuming that your VDR directory is in /usr/local

  liquid:/usr/local # patch --dry-run -p0 <vdr-1.0.0pre4-progress.diff
  liquid:/usr/local # patch -s -p0 <vdr-1.0.0pre4-progress.diff

Give it a try! Could you please add Matthias' patch to VDR, Klaus?


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