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[vdr] Re: Kernel-Patch to make VDR undisturbable

Thomas Koch ( schrieb:
> Is there any difference to "nice -19 /path/to/vdr"?

Yes, there is a huge difference! "nice" only changes the lenght of time the 
programm could get the CPU. A higher scheduling priority is a side-effect, 
but this does not make sure that the process gets the CPU whenever he needs 

My scheduling method does that. With this kernel-patch the scheduling of VDR 
is (nearly) independent of any other task. That means VDR can not be 
disturbed by other programms (even if there are lots of CPU- or I/O intense 

BTW: You can also set the nicelevel with vdrrun. It is the first parameter.
vdrrun [-nicelevel] command [arguments]
On my 133MHz box I use a nicelevel of +5 without problems.


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