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[vdr] Re: menu.c - cMenuEditStrItem

Sergei Haller wrote:

>cMenuEditStrItem is an editable String like in file names of timers
>I wondered since longer time, why it is not that easy possible to write
>spaces: If I want to create a name like "a b", I have to do following:
>press Right   (begin editing)
>press Up      (make the first letter become 'a')
>press Right   (add second character and make it ' ')
>-- at this point it's not possible to press Right to add a third letter --
>press Up      (and make the second letter become 'a')
>press Right   (and add third letter)
>press 3xUp    (make the character become "b")
>press Left    (go back to second letter)
>press Down    (and make it ' ' again)
>press Ok      (and leave editing)
>below is a patch against plain vdr-1.0.0pre5, the second part of it
>changes this behaviour - now you're able to add as many spaces as you like
>at the end of a string (pressing Ok strips them anyway if the spaces stay
>at the end of the string)
>so the previous example ("a b") would require pressing
>press Right   (start editing)
>press Up      ("a")
>press 2xRight (go to third character)
>press 3xUp    ("b")
>press Ok      (end editing)
>the first part of the patch is a new "feature": you can press 1 or 3 while
>editing such a string. Pressing 1 inserts a space at current position
>pressing 3 removes the character at current position.
>One exaple where this is useful:
>you go to the shedule menu, press Red, the title of the programme is
>automatically put into the File field. But often you want to add a
>"StarTrek~" or "ST~" just "Movies~" in front of it. without the patch you
>have to type ST~ and then to retype whole name of the episode...
>(ok, you could just type it from the console, but the console is not
>available all the time)
>here is the patch:
>--- vdr-1.0.0pre5/menu.c        Sun Mar 31 23:17:42 2002
>+++ vdr-1.0.0pre5-my/menu.c     Fri Apr  5 21:32:06 2002
>@@ -568,6 +568,25 @@
> eOSState cMenuEditStrItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
> {
>   switch (Key) {
>+    case k1|k_Repeat:
>+    case k1: /* insert a character */
>+             if (int(strlen(value)) < length) {
>+                memmove(value+pos+1, value+pos, int(strlen(value)-pos+1));
>+                value[pos] = ' ';
>+             }
>+             break;
>+    case k3|k_Repeat:
>+    case k3: /* remove a character */
>+             if (int(strlen(value)) > 1) {
>+                memmove(value+pos, value+pos+1, int(strlen(value)-pos));
>+                /* reduce position, if we removed the last character */
>+                if (pos == int(strlen(value))) pos--;
>+             }
>+             else if (int(strlen(value)) == 1) {
>+                /* This is the last character in the string. */
>+                value[0] = ' ';
>+             }
>+             break;
>     case kLeft|k_Repeat:
>     case kLeft:  if (pos > 0) {
>                     if (value[pos] == '^')
>@@ -576,7 +595,7 @@
>                     }
>                  break;
>     case kRight|k_Repeat:
>-    case kRight: if (pos < length && value[pos] != '^' && (pos < int(strlen(value) - 1) || value[pos] != ' ')) {
>+    case kRight: if (pos < length && value[pos] != '^' && pos < int(strlen(value)) ) {
>                     if (++pos >= int(strlen(value))) {
>                        value[pos] = ' ';
>                        value[pos + 1] = 0;
>Have Fun
>c ya
>        Sergei
>         eMail:
>Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
>                -- Mark Twain
it works great, I hope the patch is included at the next release...

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