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[vdr] Re: Audio & Video not syncron

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Hi Marcus,=0D
same here with the MediaProtal Hardware and Suse 7.3.=0D
greetings valle=0D
-------Original Message-------=0D
Date: Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2002 18:04:25=0D
Subject: [vdr] Re: Audio & Video not syncron=0D
Am 28.04.2002 22:38:51, schrieb "valshare" <>:=0D
>i have made a record with my both DVB-S Cards at the same time. The Soun=
>not syncron with the video signal. How can i fix it in the future ? My=0D
>Hardware is the follog: Celeron 700, 128 MB Ram. 60 Gig HD.=0D
since I switched to the Mediaportal-Hardware, I've got the same problem,=0D
and I believe you also use a Mediaportal as base-system?=0D
I have 2 DVB-S Rev. 1.3, two HDs (80 + 120 GB), 128MB and the original=0D
Celeron 433. The OS is the same I used before with a Duron 1000, I simply=
put the Harddisk with all the (until then) working software in the
and since then not a single recording is OK. I'm running Suse 7.3 with th=
2.4.16 kernel-update.=0D
Recordings sometimes are OK for the first 15-25 minutes and then they sta=
to 'jump' and the sound goes async (several seconds after the picture).=0D
Old recordings don't show the effect, so it's no problem of playback.=0D
The jumping always starts at the same place, so I'm quite sure the proble=
is IN the recording.=0D
A strange side-effect is that when I pause and go into slow-motion, I can=
see any more jumping effects.=0D
The jumping also appears when watching premiere in transfer-mode...=0D
after 20 minutes or so the jumping/async sound begins and I get lots of=0D
'kernel: buffer empty'-messages. Switching to another channel and back=0D
cures the problem for another 20 minutes.=0D
The messages don't appear while recording.=0D
Since the problem also exists in transfer-mode and not only while recordi=
to disk, I'm sure it can not be a problem with the harddisk-performance.=0D
Memory also can not be a problem, the problem exists even if there is no=0D
swapspace in use and 40megs cached. It is also unlikely a cpu-problem,=0D
since the system is 80 or more percent idle and VDR uses no more than=0D
15%. According to the sensors-package the voltages in the system are=0D
also in the desired ranges and the temperatures are OK, too.=0D
Also with the change to that hardware, I very often get the 'OSD-color'-=0D
problem. In the bios I turned off ACPI and all power-management-stuff=0D
I found.. no change yet.=0D
A friend of mine has the suspicion that it might be a problem with
The cards don't share any interrupts, but the dvb-s generate much more=0D
interrupts than for example the timer.. several 1000 per second from the =
replaying card while in transfer-mode. Is it possible that the Mediaporta=
hardware has problems with that? I know that a single-card-system does=0D
work without recording-problems...=0D
Anybody any idea? What does the "buffer empty" mean, where does it=0D
come from? Currently it looks like that MP-stuff wasn't really the perfec=
solution... but I'll keep trying.. next will be a kernel without any
in it and if that doesn't help I'm going to try another power-supply.=0D
Greetings, Marcus=0D

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