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[vdr] Re: Primary card for playback only

On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Thomas Mungai (TM) wrote:

TM> Now i want to upgrade with a third card, a low budged.
TM> What i want is to record two movies at the same time
TM> and watch a recorded one.
TM> I've got only two LNB-cables with no chance for
TM> a third one.
TM> when i connect the LNB to the second and third card, i get
TM> those "channel xy not synched and DVB-card 1"  messages
TM> and the whole system is slowing down, reacts slow
TM> on remote commands etc.
TM> Is there a chance to prevent the first card from tuning?
TM> limiting the channels to a specific card is no solution.
TM> Sorry if this should have been discussed earlier, couldn't find
TM> anything about that...

It has been, but IIRC  only for a two-card  system with only one
LNB. Here is (in short) what you have to do:

create a new mode in ca.conf, say

   MySpecialFTA 777

then  set  both  non-primary   cards  to  be  able  to   receive
MySpecialFTA and set every FTA (0) channel to MySpecialFTA (777)
in channels.conf

With this setup you should  be able to watch live tv  (always in
transfer mode from  the second or the  third card and while both
non-primary cards are  recording,  you should still  be able  to
watch a recording or  one of the  channels currently recorded in
time shift mode.

(Although I didn't try this configuration myself)

c ya
Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
                -- Mark Twain

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