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[vdr] AW: Re: AW: Problem found... Now I need a tool to repair .vdr...WAS: Another question about conversion

> Von: Luca Merega []
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. September 2002 15:26
> An:
> Betreff: [vdr] Re: AW: Problem found... Now I need a tool to repair
> .vdr...WAS: Another question about conversion
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Bläser, Lars
> >pvastrumento is imho very good with error correction 
> I don't think so... It does not seem to be able to repair 
> damaged files
> for exmple "cutting" one or more errouneous frames.

when there are no data then there is nothing to reconstruct (missing data), only thing is to keep audio/video running and sync
beside this on start and end of each recording will always missing parts (open GOP)
same for recordings where vdr made a restart ( or buffer 100%, drops)
(look in your recording dir, when there are files vdr files smaler the max file size then it wont be errorfree)

i.e. if vdr cuts a recorging because of size (2GB build in limit) the it does it inly by bytes (hard cut), take this 2 files (raw recording) and giv it to pvas, so pvas will on the end of file1 and start of file2 recognize a open GOP (group of pictures) and missing audio, copy both files binary together before pvas then all is fine

if vdr cuts a recording and copy it to a new file the 2GB border of the 2 source files are no problem (vdr knows about the hard cut and simply jumps from last byte file1 to first byte file2), the destination cuts (if you select new file for every cat in options) will be on GOP borders, so there should be no problems (as long as max filesize of vdr is not reached) i prefer to have one big file after cuting and give that to pvas

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