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[vdr] Re: @Klaus - Trusted Transponder


On Wednesday 18 September 2002 22:07, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Martin Geistreiter wrote:
> > Hello Klaus, wouldnt it be good if you could set a flag in the EPG
> > Setup to tell VDR to start everytime with the trusted Channel
> > the last viewed. I mean , to choose between truste channel startup
> > last channel.
> >
> > Imho this would be help to set the correct time, even if the machine
> > only used rarely.
> I wouldn't like to have yet another setup flag for this, but I'd agree
> on having VDR tune to the trusted channel at startup _if_ there is one
> wait a few seconds and then tune to the current channel.
> Would that be acceptable?

>If I get you right, would this mean 2 channel switches on startup (from
>init channel -> trusted channel -> current channel)?
>Why not using the DVB init channel as trusted channel?

@Klaus: I agree, there are already too much flags, so if there is
another solution for the time&trusted-channel it would be good. I just
thought that
to have the cmos clock set right every time vdr starts via a "no cost"
time source would make VDR closer to perfection an common use. Too much
flags are hard to handle for a user, who just wants a perfect video
To your suggestion with tune in and wait...: why wait an switch to the
last channel? If there is a recording set f.e. 5 min after bootup the
vdr stays on the trusted and for the recording it switches to the rec

@all: and why not implement the trusted channel switch an time get at
shutdown ? so nobody would be "harmed" or? The shutdown process would
take a few seconds longer; that's all. Solution ? 
Is it possible to check out if the time is received? Afterwards

Thanks for your audience, Martin 

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