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[vdr] AW: Still probs :( WAS: Problem found... Now I need a tool to repair .v dr...WAS: Another question about conversion

> Von: Luca Merega []
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 18. September 2002 20:44
> An:
> Betreff: [vdr] Still probs :( WAS: Problem found... Now I 
> need a tool to
> repair .v dr...WAS: Another question about conversion
> Another problem :(
> My VDR seems to be too slow or similar, in fact all my large VDR files
> are corrupted :(
> When I convert them using PVAStrumento I have a lot of errors 
> and the PS
> file is double size of the original :(
> Here is a log:
> ***
> ***	PVAStrumento 2.0.22
> ***	  running at 09-18-2002 20:12
> ***
> Stream info for
> C:\Movies\Test.vdr
> VIDEO:	Resolution 720 x 576
> 		 (full D1)
> 	Aspect ratio is 4:3
> 	Frame rate 25.00 fps
> 	Nominal bitrate 15000000 bps
> 	first PTS: 05:08:27.230
> AUDIO:	MPEG-1, Layer 2
> 	48.0 kHz, Mono
> 	Bitrate 192 kbps
> 	Frame Length 24.0 ms (576 bytes)
> 	first PTS: 05:08:26.825

after a closer look i saw that pvas maybe does not recognise your audio correct (i donīt think there are stations that have mono)
and pvas makes wrong asumptions about this

> Video:    46262 pics 		 00:30:50.480
> Audio:  1684699 frames 	 11:13:52.776

so the rusult is a video with 30min and a audio with 11h 13min - there will be problems syncing that

have you tried the java based program?

or make a different recording (maybe SAT1 or RTL or ARD), and donīt forget to have a look at the log at /var/log for the logfile

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