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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

Stefan Lang wrote:
> Hello List,
> I'll upgrade my vdr system to the new version.
> I know it is possible to have "free names" for the buttons in
> lircd.conf......but: Is it also possible to have different buttons for the
> "double used" buttons? As an example:
> In vdr-1.0.4 Klaus uses "down button" for navigating through the menu and
> as "pause" during watching a recording.
> My RC has a nice "pause button" and I want to use it, instead of the "down
> button". In the menu certainly I want to use the "down botton" for scrolling
> down.

My plan is to have additional key definitions for these things, like "Pause",
"Stop", "FastForward" etc (the usual things known from remote controls).
These will be offered to be defined in the key learning phase, and those who
have them on their RCs can define them, others can just skip them.

It will, though, still be so that the "Down" key has its "Pause" function,
regardless whether there is an explicit "Pause" key or not - but I guess that
shouldn't be much of a problem.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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