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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

>Well, then how else should it be done? There's no use in defining
>thousands of
>macros for every single program or plugin function that somebody might
>ever be
>wanting to put on a key of his remote control. That would mean that with
>every new
>plugin that comes up, the set of macros would have to be extended. I see
>no sense in having things like "PauseMP3", "PauseDVD" etc. etc. There is
>only one
>player active at a time, and that's the one that should react on "Pause".
No, not really true. This is how you, and me because i can not other, use
vdr at the moment. But let's see another example. There are some people out
there which like to see VTX like Nordtext or so. What is the reason that
they should not play mp3's or ogg's at the same time? Maybe they don't want
to see the live tv. Only vtx and mp3 at the same time. Now there can be a
situation that they have a interesting page to read (Bundesligaergebnisse
or Wetterbericht) ;-) but a not so nice mp3. And now?
With a direct controllable funktion/button like play_next_mp3 the user can
decide what he wants. 
And maybe it's also possible to circumvent some drawbacks in the

Hmm, i hope you understand me. i'm not trying to offend you. I like your
work. You have done a really great work but your view on rc's is a little
bit ( i don't know a english word for this) eingefahren. :-)

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