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[vdr] Re: install procedure developer version

At Wednesday 30 October 2002 21:23 Gunnar Bornemann wrote:
> afaik the INSTALL document refers to the stable version of VDR. Are
> there any significant changes in the installation procedure for the
> developer version?
> Especially regarding LIRC?

Not that I know of. Except that the plugin configuration files reside
in <config path>/plugins/ subdir. That's for example mp3sources.conf 

The only thing that has changed for LIRC is that the keys are learned 
at the first vdr-startup (by version 1.1.12 or 13 I guess). That means
that you don't have to call your keys Ok, Menu, etc. anymore and that
means there are some more "convenience" keys like playback, pause, 
stop, ff, rwd, etc. which you may, but don't have to assign.

Primarily it's new features that has come into 1.1.x, and not changes 
(internally, sure, but not in usability)

Sascha Volkenandt

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