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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: prefermenu-0.4.0 plugin

>1. The plugin crashes vdr when opening prefermenu (by pressing RED) when no
>channel is actually selected (pressing OK specifies channel number 0)
You mean when "No preferred channel exists"?. It doesn't occure anymore when 
you have your first "preferred channel"? If yes, it is a bug I'm aware of. 
I'll try to fix it soon.

>2. When prefermenu is active, and I press "Chan+", the channel switches to 
>next one, prefermenu disappears and instead the channel display appears. 
>prefermenu still seems to be running (I see "Stop Replay" in the main 
>and when i press up/down by that time, vdr crashes.

Right, Chan+/Chan- are new keys which were introduced in 1.1.14. I'll fix it 
too (close prefermenu when any other key is pressed).

@Klaus: for the "Stop Replay" menu entry that appears when not playing 
anything, I suspect a more general issue in VDR (or when a plugin do 
something wrong?), as I also get this with MPlayer plugin. I have this in 
1.1.15 but I don't think I had it in 1.1.14 (I could be wrong).

What I have in my TODO:
- Use unique channel ID of 1.1.16 so that prefered channel can be kept even 
if channels are moved in channels.conf
- Use smaller fonts (configurable) as some channels can not fit in the 
prefermenu box
- KeyRepeat support (already done)
- KeyLeft/Right support to change of page (already done)
- Any other suggestion?


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