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[vdr] Re: video data stream broken

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Karsten [iso-8859-1] Müller wrote:

>a few weeks ago I also had this *very* often. But since I amplified the
>antenna signal these emergency bail-outs are (almost) gone.
>(I use 3 DVB-C cards and it seems that the signal simply has been too weak)

Excuse an ignorant question, but what is the use of having multiple DVB
cards? 3 seems a bit excessive to me. I can understand 2 cards, if that
allows you to record and play at the same time, but 3 or more?

Any RTFM I could read up on? I don't have VDR yet, my DVB-c card is
(I hope) in the mail, so this may be something that actually installing
VDR would explain.

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