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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer plugin 0.7.9 available (plugin development)

Stefan Huelswitt wrote:

>On 18 Dec 2002 "Uwe Weissbach" <> wrote:
>>here is a sugestion for a future release:
>>the plugin looks for *.jpg files in the folder where the 
>>actual play file is and puts this picture to the screen (after scaling)
>>instead of black or live screen...
>This is already on the todo-list, but has low priority. Not as
>easy as it sounds ...
I also think this would be a thoroughly great feature, but first we have 
to wait for a "Still Picture Viewer", once planned by Allesio Sangalli. 
This could perhaps then cooperate with the mp3-plugins, but time will 

As you are mentioning the TODO-List, do you remember we once mentioned a 
"jukebox mode" within the mp3-plugin? Is it also on your list? What I 
mean: If you select an mp3-file, it is not played immediately, but added 
to a dynamic list, just like it is common in such programs as 
"MusicMatch Jukebox". In my opinion, this would really be a progress in 
comfort, and with all the possibilities the mp3-plugin already offers, I 
think the work to implement this feature is not that much :-) .
What do you think about it?

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