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[vdr] Perl script to list recordings


here is a small Perl script which lists recordings on the disk
under Linux in the following form:

C.S.I._Den_Tätern_auf_der_Spur/(USA,_2000)_"Eisig   1:11:54    2.3 GB  4.3 Mbps
Dawson?s_Creek/Meilensteine                         1:05:59    2.0 GB  4.2 Mbps
Dawson?s_Creek/Nachwuchs                            1:05:59    2.0 GB  4.2 Mbps
Der_Grinch                                          1:56:57    2.9 GB  3.3 Mbps
Total recordings 135                              219:34:23  352.2 GB  3.6 Mbps

Usage: /usr/local/bin/vdrsize [-l|-r|-s] [<primary video path>]

Options: -l             sort by length
         -r             sort by rate
         -s             sort by size

The default path can be changed in the following line:
!@ARGV && (@ARGV = ( "/video" ));



cut here ---------------------------------------------------------------

use File::Find ();
use Getopt::Std;

$Usage = qq {
Usage: $0 [-l|-r|-s] [<primary video path>]

Options: -l             sort by length
         -r             sort by rate
         -s             sort by size

die $Usage if (!getopts('lrs') || ($opt_l && $opt_r) || ($opt_l && $opt_s)
			       || ($opt_r && $opt_s));

!@ARGV && (@ARGV = ( "/video" ));

# for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements:
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
*name   = *File::Find::name;
*dir    = *File::Find::dir;
*prune  = *File::Find::prune;

foreach $file (@ARGV)  {
	# Traverse desired filesystems
	File::Find::finddepth({wanted => \&wanted}, $file);

if (found)  {
    	$_ = 'abc.rec'; 
    	name = '';

@list = sort({$a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @list);
$opt_l && (@list = sort({$a->{length} <=> $b->{length} } @list));
$opt_r && (@list = sort({$a->{rate} <=> $b->{rate} } @list));
$opt_s && (@list = sort({$a->{size} <=> $b->{size} } @list));

for ($i = 0; $i < @list; $i++)  {
    printf("%-49.49s %3d:%02d:%02d  %5.1f GB  %3.1f Mbps\n", 

$nrecordings && printf("%-16s %-3d                              %3d:%02d:%02d  %5.1f GB  %3.1f Mbps\n", 
		   	"Total recordings", 
			$sumlength / 60 / 60,
 			($sumlength / 60) % 60,
			$sumlength % 60,
			$sumrate / $nrecordings);


sub wanted {
    if ($_ =~ m/.*.rec/ && $oldpath !~ m/$name/)  {
        if ($found)  {
	    $file =~ m#^/# && ($iname =~ s#$file##);
	    $iname =~ s#^/*##;
	    $iname =~ s#^\./##;
	    $iname =~ s#/\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d.*\.rec/.*##;
            push(@list, {
		name	=> $iname,
		length  => $length,
		hour	=> $length / 60 / 60,
		minute	=> ($length / 60) % 60,
		second	=> $length % 60,
		size	=> $size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 
		rate	=> $size / $length * 8 / 1024 / 1024
	    $sumsize += ($size / 1024 / 1024 /1024);
	    $sumrate += ($size / $length * 8 / 1024 / 1024);
	    $sumlength += $length;
        $found = $size = $length = 0;
        $oldpath = $name;
    /index.vdr/s && ($length = (-s $_) / 8 / 25) 
		 && ($iname = $name)
		 && ($found = 1);
    /\d\d\d.vdr/s && ($size += -s $_);

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