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[vdr] Re: (No subject) ERROR_(dvbdevice.c,512):_Das_Geraet_oder_die_Ressource_ist_belegt

Thomas Keil wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get vdr-1.1.20 with linux-dvb.2002-12-08 working, but all I
> get is
>   ERROR (dvbdevice.c,512): Das Gerät oder die Ressource ist belegt
> when I try to switch a channel, thus I have neither video nor audio right
> from the start.
> I checked with lsmod before "make insmod" that there's nothing loaded, and
> the insmod works fine.
> Can anybody tell me what to look for?

Are there any patches or plugins involved?
If so, please try with the original VDR first.

BTW: please don't use funny characters (like German umlauts) in the mail headers.
As you can see from your original subject, which looked like

after going through the list mailer, this has all kinds of side effects.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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