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[vdr] Re: dxr3/vdr problem

> From: Simeon Walker []
> Can't you make it lock up by pressing the blue 'Switch' button in the
> channel list or schedule? Or is that just me?

I'm not sure I have used blue button on those places, I have to try. VDR
does lock up sometimes when I'm using OSD, but never by itself.

This makes you use VDR on your toes, if you are recording. But the 'good'
news is that the recording doesn't lock up even if the display does. Yes,
this is quite annoying because you cannot restart VDR before the recording
is over, but I have a feeling this is a bug in the EM8300 driver, not in
DXR3 plugin or in VDR. Why? Just because the driver got stuck at some point
so badly I had to rmmod+insmod it to get display to work at all...

If there's someone who has never experienced lockups with OSD, please let me
know the EM8300 driver version and the configuration...


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