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[vdr] Re: VDR-format?

Wiljo Heinen wrote:
> From: "Yngve Johansen" <>
> > Can anyone please tell me what kind of format the .VDR-format is?
> >
> Well - from what I can tell, the format is multiplexed-PES.
> Very similar to MPEG-PS, but without MPEG PS pack headers and
> MPEG-PS system headers.

When I started this I simply took what the driver delivers when
requesting a Transport Stream, repacked it into what the driver
can replay (apparently multiplexed-PES) and that's it. If it would
take some additional "sugar" that's easy to add to the recordings
I wouldn't mind doing so (after 1.2.0) if that makes the VDR files
replayable with other players. What I wouldn't want to do is to
implement heavy data processing, since the data recorded now can
be replayed by the DVB driver and cards, and that's all it takes.


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