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[vdr] Re: Wishlist for next vdr-Versions / Debian packaging

Am Son, 2003-06-01 um 19.52 schrieb Joerg Friedrich:

> It would be nice if the plugins would build without being unpacked in
> the vdr-source-tree.
> Until now I managed to build recent vdr-packages (1.1.32)
>  - 4 different binary-packages (Debian Maintainer decided to have these
>    for different controls: kbd, lirc, rcu, none[daemon])

What for 4 packages? What about compiling with KBD and use
remote-plugin? And you don't need "none" - just start with "-d" for
>  - 1 package containing man-pages, documentation...
>  - 1 development-package containing all include-files.
> The idea is to have plugin-packages seperated from vdr-packages.
> Advantages:
>   - The user can install only desired plugins.
>   - New plugin versions can be build and distributed without building
>     vdr packages.
>   - Plugins can be built without having vdr but the vdr-dev package
>     installed

Would be good. What about building a vdr-dev-package containing the
complete VDR-source and a DVB-dev-package containing the complete
Linux-DVB-source. Then you just need to adjust the Makefiles of the
plugins to the paths the dev-packages are installed. You can place the
ready libraries into any directory you want. Just give the directory
with "-L"-option when starting VDR,


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