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[vdr] Re: EPG data length

Jan Ekholm wrote:
> Hi,
> As my VDR box has now been exceptionally stable for a while I've again
> started using it for "serious" recordings. In the process of using VDR a
> lot more I've noticed that the EPG data that VDR shows about a program can
> sometimes be cut in half. I select a program from the normal program list
> an press Ok to get info about it, and long texts are always cut off. VDR
> seems to show a few lines of the EPG text, but then it suddenly ends in
> the middle of a word.
> Looking at I see that the data is already cut off in that file,
> so VDR probably just displays whatever it reads from the file.
> Is there some maximum length for the description string for a program and
> the problem here is that our Finnish channels just send too long strings,
> or is it something that VDR/DVB determines? It looks a bit silly to have
> the descriptions just get cut in half. :)

VDR doesn't do this intentionally.
I also see this problem with EPG data from the German ZDF channel, for
instance. The EPG data from the Premiere channels, though mostly much
longer, isn't cut off, however.

I assume there is something wrong with the EPG data from these chennels.


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