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[vdr] Re: Small OSD menu example?

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

>Jan Ekholm wrote:
>> ...
>> Nobody interested in a free shipped CD/DVD in response to some example
>> code? :) I've given up on trying to get my brain to craft up the menus. I
>> can do a huge "flat" menu, but I'd prefer nested menus as they'd make the
>> system just so much more useful.
>Why don't you just take a look at how, for instance, cMenuSetup is implemented?

I've done that in the past. One thing that didn't really get clear to me,
and which is pretty fundamental is wether the whole menu structure is
defined at once, or in parts as needed? Ie. when the OSD is first
activated, are all the deepest down menus and items already created, or do
they get created when the user enters a particular submenu? The former
would let VDR take care of all the navigation etc, while the latter forces
the plugin to keep track of where in the hierarchy the user currently is.

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