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[vdr] Re: new features: RPM

On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Michael Schumacher wrote:

> first of all, thanks to Klaus. You did an awful job.

Now that's a nice thing to say.

> My proposal is to broaden the userbase now to really make VDR the
> killer application for Linux. This would mean that it would be time to
> have some kind of installer routine, like RPM etc., rather than
> putting in more and more new features.

Only one thing to say here: Go right ahead.

Honestly, I bet nobody will stop you from making an RPM (or two). I'll do
it too if you'll pay me. Other than that, I use Slackware on my VDR box so
I couldn't care less. And yes, I've done RPMs, its easy as pie.


Jarkko Santala <>  
System Administrator                    2001:670:83:f08::/64

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