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[vdr] Re: VDRADMIN: vdradmin can't connect to VDR's SVDRP Port

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Thomas Koch
> Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 2:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] Re: VDRADMIN: vdradmin can't connect to VDR's
> SVDRP Port
> Am Samstag, 14.06.03 um 14:11 Uhr schrieb Nikolaus Isele:
> > i got the problem that vdradmin can't connect to the VDR's
> SVDRP Port
> > 2001.
> > Is tryed to modifiy the runvdr vdr startup line with the option -p
> > 2001 but
> > it doesn't work.
> > I use the Suse 8.2. Is there something i forgot?
> > i can ping my hostname and ip from all PC's im my Network.
> Make sure your svdrphosts.conf is in the right directory and try to
> connect your vdr via "telnet" (telnet localhost 2001).

telnet localhost 2001 works, but telnet 2001 (address of my
VDR) doesn't work.

Maybe this is a Firewall problem..... But can i fix this?

Regards, Niko

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