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[vdr] Re: Increasing SDRAM on DVB cards

Here it comes:

Connector is starting with pin number 1 on the inner
upper side, close to the big 10 pin connector, looking
on the top of the board. Numbering is changing from one
side to the other like this:

1	2
3	4
5	6
.	.
.	.
99	100

Here's what I've got:

PIN number           Function

35				CLK
37				D/P (DVALID)
41				D7
43				D6
45				D5
47				D4
49				D3
51				D2
53				D1
55				D8

Above is usefull to stream in a transport stream and
ignore what is coming in from tuner, eg. from a TSG.
But you have to patch the tuner driver to refrain from
blocking the decoder...
As this interface is used for CA, there must be also
some additional 8+3 pins for the stream that is coming out.
But dont ask me which ones..

Pin 2,4,6,8......70 goes to ground.
Also pin 76,78...94 goes to ground.
Pin 98 and 100 is 5 Volts
Pin 72 and 74 is some function, I dont know what.
Pin 96 selects the source, that means you have to set it to
high if you want the stream from the tuner to be decoded,
and low if you want the stream from this interface coming
in to be decoded.

BTW i've got the technotrend revision 2.1

Thats all.


-----Original Message-----
From: Klaus Schmidinger []
Sent: Dienstag, 17. Juni 2003 12:06
Subject: [vdr] Re: Increasing SDRAM on DVB cards

"Drouzas, Stefan" wrote:
> Are you aware of that the firmware of the ARM most likely has to be changed to
> access the extended memory?


> I can give you a list of most of the pins of the extention connector,
> which is used for the CI, if that helps. Most of it is going to GND anywea

Please, let's have it!


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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