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[vdr] Re: Suggestion for vdr1.3.0 - Change general function of Up and Down, left and right keys during viewing.

> I'm happy to see that you exactly described what the "Pilot" plugin
> :)
> I missed those features also, that's why I developed it.
> You can download it there:
> Still, some functions you are listing are missing. If I take them one
> one:
> - "viewing the EPG beyond the current and next": could be done, but
> is
> currently not high in my list
> - "record without switching": same thing, this is not high in my list,
> I
> need to go deeper in VDR code to see how to do it
> - "add a reminder when the program will start": I definitely add this
> Excellent idea!
> - "Info button to see detailed EPG": this is planned. Probably in the
> release.
> Let me know if this plugin works for you.

Hi, finally got time to try your plugin.  It's a good start on the way
to easier channel switching/browsing...

I thought about this as being the next logical step when I first tried
the prefermenu plugin.  Now hopefully you'll add the "favourites"
functionality to the pilot plugin.  How about a toggle so that the up
and down keys can be used to select between all channels or between
preferred channels or between channel groups...leaving left and right
keys to scroll through programs beyond now and next  ;-) 

I think would be much nicer if you could find some way of hooking into
or overriding the existing "now/next" OSD, rather than duplicating it
with the plugin's own OSD.  This may all be possible already but I'm
sure Klaus could be persuaded to make it even easier to do for 1.3.x ...
:-)  Maybe this could become the basis for that ultra low priority
feature that everybody really wants...customisable skins for VDR ;-)

Well done so far, and keep it up....


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