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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.0.0 plugin

Am Mon, 2003-06-23 um 14.53 schrieb Gavin Hamill:
> On Monday 23 June 2003 1:37 pm, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to announce, that I'm about to write a plugin, that uses
> xine as
> > an output device for VDR. In that way, a "software only" solution
> for
> > playback would be possible.
> <applause> You'll make a lot of people very happy, mind you most of
> them will 
> probably grumble and say 'I prefer MPlayer...' but hey, they're not
> the ones 
> doing the coding :)

I do prefer MPlayer as it can play most formats. But it has a lot of
problems with A/V-syncing in the demuxer-/audio-structure. So Xine may
be the better choice.


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