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[vdr] Re: kvdr 0.6 released

> Fullscreen:
> from syslog:
> .. kernel: saa7146: ==> calculate_h_scale_registers: invalid value (=0).
> .. kernel: saa7146: ==> calculate_video_dma1_overlay: illegal values: y: 26
> h: 0  d: 32  b: 4096  base: -805306368

Have those myself too. I consider this a "bug" in the driver, because bttv 
does not complain about it and it is a reference implementation for me as it 
works flawless in Xv-mode ;-) simply removing the kprintf() line would do.

The reason is, that to use memmap-io i have to set the size to 0x0 because 
otherwise you would see the overlay somewhere on the screen, while xv shows 
the video somewhere else! I had this once and i wondered how a YUV2-overlay 
could look exactly the same as the same data Xv-converted on a RGB16 display 

Maybe i find another solution...

> It seems fullscreen is shifted to the left. It looks better now then
> before. After return from fullscreen the top bar of the window is outside
> the root-window, makes it impossible to move it or close it with the [x].

That happens only sometimes to me, don't know what's the exact reason, 
normally kvdr should restore the state it had before entering fullscreen mode 
but somehow it looses that information sometimes.

> Other problems:
> I have closed kvdr => kvdr does not terminate, Strg-C does not quit kvdr
> only kill helps.

Yes, i installled a signalhandler to avoid leaving the overlay on during 
killing it, unfortunately that does work with xkill :-( like it does for 
xawtv, wonder why.

But at least "killall -ILL" (and TERM) terminates it correctly now.

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