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[vdr] [Announce] nvram-wakeup 0.91

Hi all,

I am pleased to announce the new version 0.91 of nvram-wakeup.
This is mainly a maintainance release. A short list of changes:

2003-08-07: Version 0.91 (beta)
 * IMPORTANT: the option --iwstring is now called --iwname.
 * Changed `guess' to produce output in configuration file format.
 + Added a LOT of new mainboards and updated/added a LOT of new autodetection strings.
   See CVS logs for details and credits.
   Thanks to everyone who sent me his/her board configuration.
 * Updated man pages, preventing triggering a bug in troff 1.17.2
 + Added some debug output here and there
 * The vdrshutdown script now supports checks for non-shotdown-conditions like
     - users are logged in
     - some process (like movie conversion) is running
     - whatever else.
   This conditions are freely configurable. look into the script vdrshutdown for more info.
 * the reboot images and patches are moved to a separate "package" -- just a tar file


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