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[vdr] Re: slow channel switching with 1.2.2


i did you patch the auto pid stuff ?

if so remember to set things like sid, nit, pcr ...

Regards Onno

P.S. i also have high delays on channels not beeing
set up correctly (sky-news e.g.)

Rainer Zocholl schrieb: Schmidinger)  09.08.03 23:01

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

Rainer Zocholl wrote:


Why does the channel switching last so long?
Under 1.0.4 the switching was as fast as on an analog TV..
Are you using Diseqc? Have you set up diseqc.conf properly?
No. Dseq is "off".
I have to use the single-LNB patch (if that may matter:
It simply blocks changening of polarization and lo/hi while

Please try without any patches or plugins (just for testing).


same result.

Zapping thru my channels.conf:
ZDF to ARD 4sec ARD to ZDF 1+ sec
ZDF to 3sat 1+ sec
3sat to 1mux 4sec
1mux 1 festival <1sec
1extra 1s mdr 1s rbb br 1s rbb berlin 1s swr bw *4s* br3 *4s* n3

Switch times below 1s would be OK.

The "long delays" (7sec) seems to occure only one times after
each start-
Is there somewhere a "learing" algorithm?

When i don't wait untill the image occurs it happens (omce)
that VDR hangs totally. But that is not reproducible.

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