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[vdr] Re: No Signal anymore

Michael Kaffenda wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:13 PM Martin Elsner wrote:
> > My VDR System was running fine. 
> > All of a sudden there wasn't any signal being received by the 
> > card. The OSD is working, i even can watch recordings, but no live tv.
> > The cable is ok.............
> I have the same problem as Martin describes. The VDR runs for a few hours
> then the same happens as described above by Martin. The only way to get
> back to live picture is to restart the DVB Driver and the VDR.

Are there any log messages like "video data stream broken"? In the past I'd
this problem on my secondary card and I got the mentioned message. 
Now I use latency=64 and the problem is gone.
If it's possible you can test DVB-kernel. I noticed a different behaviour 
between DVB-driver and the DVB-kernel. Maybe in your case the DVB-kernel
is better...

> VDR 2.5.5

Damned, I've overlooked all versions above 1.2.5. ;-)


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