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[vdr] Re: vdr with a ntsc television

Am Montag, 13. Oktober 2003 03:01 schrieben Sie:
> I'm not having any luck at all with ntsc now that I have moved back to the
> states. I have a Technotrend 1.3, The driver does switch to ntsc mode when
> it gets a signal, but the quality is so bad its not watchable. The colors
> are oversaturated and the screen jumps every few minutes if it manages to
> sync at all. Could it be that my composite output is fried somehow? I also
> tried the composite pins on the board with the same results so I dunno.
> Side note: I picked up a dxr3 card on ebay. Can I stream my vdr somehow,
> and play the stream with mplayer over the dxr3? (since the dxr3 has a great
> NTSC output).

Currently there are only two ways to get something on TV-screen with VDR:

1.) full-featured DVB-card

2.) DXR3

So why don't you just use the DXR3-plugin? ;o)


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