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[vdr] Re: AW: commands.conf and /video0 simple questions - offtopic?

On Thu, 6 May 2004, Schuett Thomas EXT (STE) wrote:

STE> Hi there,
STE> however, I haven't found any docu about the commands.conf format.

this is explained in 
   man 5 vdr
or, in the source directory of VDR:
   man -l vdr.5

look for the section "COMMANDS" there.

STE> Also I wonder, that if you have recordings on 2 different HDs, if you have
STE> to switch the /video entry to point to this or that HD, or if there
STE> probably is something magic? I saw /video0 usage, but am unsure, if
STE> this was an example, or if vdr greps recordings from all /video and 
STE> /video[0-9] directories and merges all findings together as found recordings?

this is explained in the file INSTALL found in the sourece directory of 
VDR. Look for the section "The video data directory"


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