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[vdr] Re: Bind EPG-Scan to a specified card ?

> On Sun, 9 May 2004 00:19:38 +0200, (Andreas Share)
> wrote:
> > This was just an idea. In mixed setups (eg. 2 FF and one budget card)
> > budget card initialise as third card. If we record only FTA there is no
> > difference, but if we use a ca-interface, the best place to connect it
> > the second card. And so will the first recording block the card with the
> > ca-interface (if there is no live view via transfer mode from the second
> > card at the moment). I think this needs only reversed card checking
> > device num -> low instead low -> high), and it is a little bit more
> > transparent to the user.
> The algorithm that is used is sophisticated enough to take cards with
> configured CA as the latest card. Don't worry it works as you expect.
> Here is the relevant code part:
> +         if (device[i]->Receiving() && !ndr)
> +            pri = 0; // receiving and allows additional receivers
> +         else if (d && !device[i]->Receiving() &&
> device[i]->ProvidesCa(Channel->Ca()) < d->ProvidesCa(Channel->Ca()))
> +            pri = 1; // free and fewer Ca's
> +         else if (!device[i]->Receiving() &&
> !device[i]->IsPrimaryDevice())
> +            pri = 2; // free and not the primary device
> +         else if (!device[i]->Receiving())
> +            pri = 3; // free
> +         else if (d && device[i]->Priority() < d->Priority())
> +            pri = 4; // receiving but priority is lower
> +         else if (d && device[i]->Priority() == d->Priority() &&
> device[i]->ProvidesCa(Channel->Ca()) < d->ProvidesCa(Channel->Ca()))
> +            pri = 5; // receiving with same priority but fewer Ca's
> +         else
> +            pri = 6; // all others
> +         if (pri < select) {
> +            select = pri;
> +            d = device[i];
> +            if (NeedsDetachReceivers)
> +               *NeedsDetachReceivers = ndr;
> +            }


thank you, i will try this out.


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