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[vdr] Re: cSafeFile and clusternfs

Luca Olivetti wrote:
> I'm testing what is going to be my vdr machine. It's a diskless pc which
> boots with etherboot and uses nfs for its filesystems (currently running
> vdr-1.3.8 with the streamdev-server plugin, the display is done on
> another computer with streamdev-client).
> The nfs server is running clusternfs (,
> basically because it's the easiest option to setup a diskless machine
> with mandrake). The "problem" (actually a feature) is that clusternfs
> maps files with "$" in the name in a special way depending on the client
> that reads/writes it (so you can have different files with the same name
> for different clients).
> After a while I noticed I had a lot of files with strange names in the
> video directory (various copies of channels.conf,, setup.conf
> with funny and random suffixes). Besides, many times the "real" files
> (channels.conf, setup.conf) where corrupted (e.g, some epg data appended
> to channel.conf and/or to setup.conf).
> I changed the suffix for the tempFile in cSafeFile constructor from
> "$$$" (a mapping that shouldn't be used anyway by clusternfs) to "###".
> After variuos hours with vdr running after the change I don't have funny
> filenames anymore (one it's still there though: channels.conf00000de?),
> but there's still epg data appended at the end of channels.conf and
> setup.conf.
> Is it simply a clusternfs bug? Any other idea?

I don't think that it is a good idea of a file system to mess around
with file names in that way.

I'd call it a bug of 'clusternfs'.


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