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[vdr] Re: Segment faults 43 Olivetti)  04.12.04 15:07

Once upon a time "Luca Olivetti " shaped the electrons to say...

>Rainer Zocholl wrote:

>>>c)I don't do that many recordings (I made a couple with 1.3.17
>> It's not required to make a recording or how do you mean it?

>Not yours but many of the problems reported here have something to do
>with recordings.

that seems to be another problem!

Just after am event controlled record start 
a zapp inside DVB-T causes VDR to restart.

Now it's stable again and i can zapp as i want while
the reocord runs.

It maybe use full if VDR loggs more "resource usage details"
so "using card 2, channel pid" to see if it
happens that a second DVB card is used.

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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