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[vdr] Re: Something wrong with bbc four today? (and vdr-1.3.17reacts badly)

Luca Olivetti wrote:

It came back at 20:00 CET (when cbeebies "morphed" into bbc four) with this line in channels.conf

BBC FOUR;BSkyB:10773:hC56:S28.2E:22000:0:0:0:0:6316:2:2045:0
Amazing, now, after various restarts, I moved it right under cbeebies (with the channels menu), and it is

BBC FOUR;BSkyB:10773:hC56:S28.2E:22000:2333:2335=eng,2339=NAR:2334:0:6316:2:2045:0

It works fine *but* only if I switch to it after vdr has started: if it's the channel tuned at startup it will stay black (with no errors either on stdout or in the logs) but vdr works.
and this doesn't happen anymore.

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