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[vdr] NVOD and channel naming

Hullo - just a quickie =)

I feel it would be really useful to include the currently running 
programme in the channel name for NVOD channels...

i.e. instead of having perhaps a hundred channels all called 'NVOD', 
wouldn't it be much easier to navigate a channel list like

1044 NVOD - Kill Bill Vol.2
1045 NVOD - Kill Bill Vol.2
1046 NVOD - Kill Bill Vol.2
1047 NVOD - The Haunted Mansion
1048 NVOD - The Haunted Mansion
1049 NVOD - The Haunted Mansion

etc. ? Maybe it might even be desirable to include how far into the 
programme this channel is?

Just a thought - and thanks for such fabulous software - it blows away 
all the crap I had the misfortune to experience on Windows :)


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