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[vdr] Re: Solved: streamdev-0.3.1 Problem with connecting

Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> Breitenbach)  23.12.04 00:01
>>Gavin Hamill wrote:
>>>>I tried it, same result - it didn't work:
>>> Poo :/
>>> What happens if you go back to basics, telnet to port 3000 and ask
>>> GET /1 HTTP/1.0
>>> <blank line>
>>Good idea!
>>~$ telnet vdr 3000
>>Connected to vdr.homenet.loc.
>>Escape character is '^]'.
>>Connection closed by foreign host.
>>So it seems, that there is no server running, but why do I get:
>>netstat -anp | grep vdr
>>tcp        0      0* LISTEN     13061/vdr
>>tcp        0      0* LISTEN     13061/vdr
>>unix  2 [ ] DGRAM                    57815    13061/vdr
>>It seems that the port is open. Why does it not work?
> Pardon the stupid question:
> Do you run a tcpwrapper or firewall on the box?
> This is a typical behaviour for a tcpwrapped program/port:
>   Escape character is '^]'.
>   Connection closed by foreign host.
> Maybe "tcpdump"  can deliver a use full hint.
> Maybe   "tail -f /var/log* /var/log/*/*"
> will help too.

Thanks for the tip. I found a hint in /var/log/syslog
It was a typo error!

The filename was /video0/plugins/stremdevhosts.conf
instead of /video0/plugins/streamdevhosts.conf

I would have expected a warning in /var/log/messages, like:

streamdev: WARNING file streamdevhosts.conf not found

Anyway, thanks for all the help!


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