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[vdr] Re: Euro1080 FTA hangs vdr

Rainer Zocholl wrote: Fritz)  23.12.04 19:56

Rainer Zocholl wrote:


While zapping this (early) morning i found that every time when i
switch to "Euro1080" i got artefacts for the fraction of a second
and then VDR dies so haviliy that a hardware  reset is
required as no OSD is dispaly anymore (but lirc commands seems
to be accepted)

Do you have a FF card by chance?

Yes. 2.1 and 1.3 IRC.

Euro1080 is HDTV


which crashes the FF card firmware so hard that only a complete powercycle brings it back to life on my system.

No, pressing the reset button was sufficient here...

Workaround: set the CA value from 0 to FF (IIRC) in your channels.conf
to disable tuning to this channel.

"CA:" was at this time FTA!
Now it is displayed "CA: 1570"
(BTW:Where is that 1570 stored? a grep 1570 *.conf did not show

Oops, you already found the workaround :-)
Maybe the value 1570 is stored in hex in your channels.conf?

the "CA:1570" was entered by VDR "somewhere"
In the morning this was set to "FTA" by VDR, that's why
it could crash the box. (i'm running 1.3.17 here)

So i assume manually changing the CA value is no solution.
As i have 4 Cards (3DVB-S+1DVB-T) assigining Euro1080 to
an non existing card does not really help either.

If you set the CA value of that channel to FF (as is the default in the
channels.conf that comes with VDR ;-) no DVB card will ever receive it.

The reason for the automatic change in the CA value is that this channel
is sometimes broadcast FTA and sometimes CA. Any CA value <= 0xFF will
not be overwritten automatically (see man 5 vdr).



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