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[vdr] vdr-1.3.18 EPG hangs


Today on WDR i saw that the EPG Info stays at 11:00
while the clock was already 11:36 and the next program at 11:30
obviously already started.
Zapping for and back did not help.
Zapping arround and later back helps.
All other EPGs were in sync.

Too the VPS timer which should have started at 11:00 did not start.
Maybe that was caused by me programming a second VPS timer
for the same program while the program alreday runs.
(I was not aware that already a MTWTF-Timer was on that position
because it was not startet.)

Last week that VPS timer worked (except with the bug that at the 
end of the intended recording, the next program is recorded 
for 3:45 minutes too.
(But that's better than the other effect where the VPS-recording 
runs for hours...)

I had that effect (wrong EPG on "OK" or zapp key) before when 
VDR clock was wrong because i had disabled setting system clock 
as the ntp and vdr processes moved continously back and for...
- but the clock was right this time, in sync with "ZDF".

But: In 1.3.17 i had several patches made to the timing functions
to make them reenetrant/threadsafe.
I hoped 1.3.18 fixed that too "en passant"?


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