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[vdr] Loss of DVB-T stream


I am writing about a problem I used to have running
vdr through xine-device plugin with a ttusb nova and
am still having now that I am running VDR straight
with a premium pci technotrend dvb card.

Although it doesn't happen as frequently now using the
premium card, there are still occasions when VDR
(using xawtv to view on display) completely loses the
dvb-t stream, both audio and video, and will only
display the onscreen menus.  

When this happens, I have also tried playing back
recordings from my /video directory and there is also
no audio or video for these.

If I use the menu to "restart VDR", this still doesn't
help and I basically have to completely stop and start
vdr to get back the dvb stream.

The loss of the stream occurs when I have either:

1.  flipped quickly though a number of tv channels -
say using the up button to flip from channel 10 to
channel 1 or else when I have
2.  left vdr running all day to record a programme
while I am at work and then tried to watch tv (opened
xawtv and changed then tried to change the channel) ..

Although I do understand why the xine-device had these
difficulties, I am not sure why I am still losing the
stream with a premium card.

I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me
on this matter.  



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