VDR User wrote:
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 2:28 AM, Rene linuxtv@hertell.com wrote:
Also a nice thing to have is a way of watching the saved livebuffer-files. Now it get´s saved into /video/LiveBuffer, and vdr does not see this. Maybe it could be saved into a subdirectory like /video/LiveBuffer/2100-01-, then vdr would always have it as the last recording available in the recordings-list...
You really want to record non-stop 24/7 to your harddrive like MythTV does?
What about using RAM oder some kind of flash media?
I would really appreciate such a function - as long I can choose where I want the buffer to be written... I also would prefer not to have a HD recording 24/7...
With kind regards