Am 16.04.2015 um 16:09 schrieb VDR User: [...]
Dynamite is used by all yaVDR users. Restfulapi is now part of OpenELEC.
They sound successful. Unfortunately is just an advertisement for yavdr and gives no actual information on what exectly restfulapi does. From what I could find searching elsewhere, it's just an alternative way to display epg information (returned as json or xml formatted). Is this correct?
Please have a look at:
It's a plugin for communicating with and controlling vdr with http-request, so it's a good counterpart for webapps on smartphones, tablets etc.. There are also the one or other webapp using it, so you can benefit from a new user interface to vdr. It's not just displaying the OSD on a remote screen, it's used for a new kind of menu to control the most common tasks of vdr like browsing EPG, manage timers, view/edit recordings...
You won't be able to use plugins like tvguide or femon etc. as long as the won't publish their data in some way, restfulapi can consume (via some servicecall or something) and put it into json/xml, so the remote can display it in some useful way.
For streaming streamdev is used. There were some nice features added to streamdev, for example now recordings can be started at some arbitrary timestamp.
Here's an announcement of an actual app (unfortunatly in german):
But this all is not a real replacement for xineliboutput/vdr-sxfe (to come back to topic...). :)