On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 09:34:39AM +0200, Thomas Hilber wrote:
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 11:17:26PM +0200, Thomas Hilber wrote:
Unfortunately with Radeons we currently have 2 problems unsolved:
- there appears to be a tiny bug in XV overlay scaling code which
sometimes mixes even and odd fields at certain resolutions. A workaround to compensate for this is to scale the opposite way. This is done by xineliboutput option 'Fullscreen mode: no, Window height: 575 px' instead of 'Window height: 575 px' (as noted in my configuration example).
Overlay XV uses double buffering eliminating any tearing effects. This works pretty good.
- the other way to use XV video extension is textured mode. This method
shows very good results. No scaling problems at all. But this code is so new (a few weeks), there even does not yet exist proper tearing protection for.
the first issue has been fixed yesterday! The second one is void then. Thanks to Roland Scheidegger I now get a perfect picture for all source resolutions testet so far.
http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-driver-ati/2008-July/006143.html http://www.vdr-portal.de/board/thread.php?postid=741778#post741778
Nice progress!
There currently is only one known issue left: detection of inital field polarity. I don't think this is a big deal. After this I can start productive use of the patch on my living room VDR.
Maybe then I find some time to port the patch to other platforms (like intel based graphics cards).
That would rock.
btw any chance of getting these patches accepted/integrated upstream?
-- Pasi