On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Jörg Knitter joerg.knitter@gmx.de wrote:
What about using RAM oder some kind of flash media?
I would really appreciate such a function - as long I can choose where I want the buffer to be written... I also would prefer not to have a HD recording 24/7...
Since flash media has a limited amount of writes, I wouldn't recommend using that as a place to do massive recording.
I think at the very least the user should have the option to turn constant hdd recording on/off. I think it's ridiculous MythTV doesn't allow the user to decide if he wants it and just forces it. Not only does it create a lot more wear on your hdd, it also keeps your power usage high and thus your electric bill bigger each month. All that just so I can rewind live tv any time? Umm, no thanks. There's nothing that important on tv that I can't find on the net or see again later when it repeats. ;)